Sunday 13 January 2013

A Week...already?

Where does the week go?  Well, I can tell you where mine 3 or 4 "I am the diva" challenges, creating a couple of new websites (one for me which I will post when its ready and continue posting my stuff there), watching curling and the beginning of the Australian Open, cleaning, trying out stuff I have found on Pinterest, etc., etc., etc.

So, the proof that I have been doing some artistic stuff? Right here are the Challenges I completed this week.

More attempts at Initialize
A Tree Fort Fairy Land

After finishing the challenges, I decided to do some of my own doodles without a structure or starting point.  The results are here:

Then I decided to revisit one of the earlier Challenges (Number 4) which I wasn't happy with how I drew.  I recreated the doodle and after it was complete, I could see just how much the practicing with the challenges has improved my style!  Hopefully you agree.  The top one was submitted 3 weeks ago for Challenge #4 and the bottom one I did just the other day.  I added proper perspective and shading, but the mechanics are the same (pen and paper types).

What a difference, eh? I was very happy with my progress (if I do say so myself)!

Now, after all that doodling on paper and after browsing on Pinterest and seeing some suggestions they have on it, I decided to branch out a bit.  I noticed as I was putting the dishes away that one of my plates was chipped at the bottom.  I figured I couldn't do any further damage, so I decided to doodle on it with a Sharpie and then bake it to set.  This is the result (before and after):

A little bit of a closeup:

I think it turned out pretty well.  I bought the dishes about 5 years ago and have used them often and put them through the dishwasher often.  I found that the Sharpie method worked really well.  It didn't smear at all and once baked, it seems to be holding up to water.  I haven't put it through the dishwasher yet, but I will let you know how it goes.

The success of the plate made me start wondering what to do next.  I remembered, I had picked up some plain glasses at the dollar store a while back with the intention of doing something with them.  Of course, I figured doodling on them was a great idea! However, when I drew on them and touched them, the Sharpie came right off!  I got wondering if they spray something onto glassware when it is being manufactured (I know that some beads from Thailand and other locations are actually rubbed with animal feces in order to make it shine!).  So, I am going to try soaking them overnight and try again in the morning to see if they accept the Sharpie.  Fingers crossed.

Anyway, back to the doodling board!